7 years goal

I think that a 7-year goal is a good measure to place on yourself. It is far enough away to not be overwhelmed, but close enough that it just might sneak up on you. I remember being a freshman in high school and feeling like there was still so much time left until I got my diploma let alone 4 more years of college. Now I am 21 years old and a fresh college graduate, and I’m wondering where the time went. So a 7-year goal does not seem so far-fetched anymore.

In 7 years I hope to be living in Portland, Oregon. I see myself opening up my own design office. I see it having work desks from wall to wall, I have always needed all the workspace I can get. Since I take on so many different types of projects, from design work to woodworking, to painting, to filming, to good old sketching. As a person who has many different creative outlets, I definitely see myself having different stations in the office. Each station will be perfectly adapted for all of my different hobbies.

I would not necessarily call myself a “gear-head” or a person who always has to have the latest and greatest of every camera or piece of tech. But I definitely put a strong value on having a lot of tools that ALLOW me to bring my ideas to life. I never want to be held back creatively because I was missing a specific tool for the job. So in the office, I will definitely have a variety tools lined up from wall to wall (When I say tool, it can be anything from a drone, to a vinyl cutter). Right now I am obviously limited but space and money, but in the future I plan on making those things a priority. And like I said, to me it is not about having the best most expensive tool. When I started in film making I had a cheap manual weighted gimbal that I used to try and get smoother shots. It was nowhere near as good as the motorized 3 axis gimbals I use today; but at the time that was all I had to work with, and my focus was on making my work as good as I could possibly make it with the resources I had available to me.

I think that is a good takeaway from this:

Invest your time and effort into things that are VALUABLE , not expensive.

and thanks for reading.


It’s ok to start on Tuesday.


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