Day One

Sunset Mill

This is my first blog post, I don’t know if this will be a reoccurring thing, I don’t even know if anyone will see this. But I have a lot of ideas. My dream is to be a logo designer, an influential one, to me, logos are the most important aspect of any business or idea. Every dream needs a face, an identity, and a logo is precisely that.

The SOUL of the idea.

Sure, a lot of the time a logo is means nothing the day it is drawn and it is up to the company to give it meaning. But, it definitely helps if the logo is the proper vessel for the company, and it allows the company to move forward and fulfill its goals. There are many logos that do not serve as the right vessel for that idea, and that can often drag a company behind, and make it stagnant, preventing it from being the best it can be.

The Nike swoosh is a good example of this. The moment it was drawn it meant nothing. The Nike heads were not even completely sold on it, but that swoosh was the perfect VESSEL for the company to grow. The shape of the swoosh was clean, simple, its length allowed it to fit perfectly on the side of the shoes, after many years it became recognizable, iconic. It became attached to the idea of drive, athleticism, and speed. All of these things came from Nike’s marketing ability but it was the logo that served as the perfect vessel to make that happen.

This is the mentality I have when it comes to logo design; to me, every line and shape has to serve a purpose. No line should be in a logo unless it is absolutely necessary for the design. It should all merit its existence. A lot of my logo designs tend to have multiple meanings due to this design philosophy. A shape may be the base of a house from one angle, but it also serves as the initial of the business owner from another angle. Every line has to have PURPOSE or else you are not done refining the design.

Thank you for reading.


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